Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra longifolia subsp. exilis ‘LM600’ PVR
- Compact, fine leaved and evergreen Lomandra
- Very tough: wet feet tolerant and drought tolerant
- Perfect when a small but tough Lomandra is needed

Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra longifolia subsp. exilis
Description: A compact form that handles drought and wet feet has been highly sought after. Tanika™ Lomandra proves how popular a fine leaf, tough, evergreen strappy leaf plant can be. However, in some situations a tough smaller plant is needed, and finally a Lomandra longifolia based plant has the answer. Along with these benefits, Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra gets lots of golden flowers in spring and is sterile. This fine leafed, compact and evergreen plant is about half the size of the popular Tanika™ Lomandra.
Unlike the multitude of compact Lomandra confertifolia types out there, the Evergreen Baby™ plant came from a Lomandra longifolia origin and is Phytophthora resistant. This is important because longifolia plants are far tougher in the heat and in the wet compared to the traditional small Lomandra confertifolias that really only occur in dry shade forests. Longifolia types grow on planes, dry slopes, near creeks and in full sun harsh conditions, as well as shade in a multitude of soil types. They are simply less fussy than Lomandra confertifolia types.
Size: 40-45cm high x 40cm wide.
Planting Density: 4-8 plants per m², 2-4 plants per linear metre.
Uses: Mass planting, feature plant, borders.
Position: Full sun to part shade. Tolerates frost, drought and periodic wet feet. Evergreen Baby™ Lomandra works in sandy loam to heavy clay soil types.
Care: Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). For best performance ensure crown or base of plant is not below soil or mulch level. If required use slow release fertiliser in spring. Every 3-5 years cut back 15cm above the ground if required (will look better with pruning every 3 years, this depends on your requirements). Occassional watering may be required in dry periods.
Lomandra as a genus has undergone a lot of name changes over the years, both by herbariums, and later by the industry. In Victoria fine leaf Lomandra that have longifolia characteristics such as these are always listed under the synonym name Lomandra longifolia subsp. exilis. In the past Lomandra fluviatilis has been called Lomandra longifolia subsp. fluviatilis or Xerotes longifolia var. fluviatilis.
Where it works: North & South Island
This website gives general information for the regions in New Zealand. For local information on which plants work in your area contact your local grower. Local grower knowledge is vital, this website is no substitute.
Heights shown on the website are for general gardening conditions. In well maintained gardens, some plants will get taller.